Page 16 - Gŵyr Bryntawe 6th Form Prospectus 2022
P. 16

  Astudiaethau Crefyddol
Pam astudio Astudiaethau Crefyddol?
Mae Lefel A mewn Astudiaethau Crefyddol yn helpu i ddatblygu ac ysgogi diddordeb, brwdfrydedd ac astudiaeth frwd o grefydd yn y byd ehangach. Mae’r fanyleb gan CBAC yn annog myfyrwyr i fyfyrio a datblygu gwerthoedd, safbwyntiau ac agweddau eu hunain o ganlyniad i’w haddysgu. Caiff disgyblion y cyfle i astudio crefydd benodol, agweddau o foeseg ac athroniaeth. Mae’r cwrs yma yn gyfle gwych i ddisgyblion TGAU Addysg Grefyddol i adeiladu ar eu gwybodaeth ond nid oes angen y sylfaen yma yn benodol er mwyn ymgymryd gyda’r cwrs. Mae’r fanyleb yn hyfforddi disgyblion i feddwl yn agored ac i werthuso amrywiaeth o themâu diddorol. Wnâi’r pwnc helpu’r disgyblion sydd am barhau ag addysg uwch mewn meysydd megis Astudiaethau Crefyddol, Y Gyfraith, Cymdeithaseg, Meddyginiaethau neu hyd yn oed ar gyfer gyrfa yn yr heddlu neu fel newyddiadurwr.
Beth yw cynnwys y cwrs?
Yn ystod astudiaeth Lefel UG a Lefel A mae’r disgyblion yn astudio trawsdoriad o themau diddorol. Mae’r cwrs nawr yn gofyn i’r myfyrwyr astudio a datblygu gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth o un grefydd sef Islam ac wedyn astudio Moeseg ac Athroniaeth Crefydd. Wnai’r disgyblion gael y cyfle i ystyried cwestiynau mawr bywyd gan hefyd rhoi’r cyfle iddynt gymhwyso’r theoriau amrywiol at faterion cyfoes megis ewthanasia, hawliau anifeiliaid, defnydd o arfau niwclear, perthynas cyfunrhywiol a pherthynas amlgarwriaeth. Mae’r sgiliau a ddefnyddiwyd yn rhai gwerthfawr ar gyfer addysg uwch ac yn galluogi i’r disgyblion ddatblygu iaith mynegi barn drwy gynnal dadleuon dosbarth.
Why study Religious Studies?
An A Level in Religious Studies will help develop and stimulate interest, enthusiasm and passion in the study of religion in the wider world. The specification by the WJEC encourages students to reflect and develop values, attitudes and opinions of their own throughout the course of the lessons. Pupils have the opportunity to study a specific religion, whilst also learning about aspects of Philosophy and Ethics. Pupils who have studied a GCSE in Religious Education can build on their knowledge, yet this isn’t a requirement to study the subject at A Level. The specification will train students to think openly and to evaluate a variety of interesting themes. The subject helps students who want to continue with higher education in areas such as Religious Studies, Law, Sociology, Medicine or a career in the police or as a journalist.
What is the course content?
During AS Level and A Level studies pupils will study a cross- section of interesting themes. The course requires the students to study and develop knowledge and understanding of one specific religion, which will be Islam and then continuing to study the Ethics and Philosophy of Religion. Pupils have the opportunity to consider the ‘big’ questions of life and it also gives them the opportunity to apply the ethical and philosophical theories to various contemporary issues such as euthanasia, animal rights, the use of nuclear weapons, homosexual relationships and polyamorous relationships. The skills adopted by students are valuable for higher education and enable them to develop specialist language when expressing opinions by holding class debates and thought provoking discussions.
Religious Studies
  Blwyddyn 12
 Cyflwyniad at Astudiaeth o Grefydd
Astudio’r grefydd Islam.
Arholiad ysgrifenedig
Cyflwyniad i Grefydd a Moeseg
Cyflwyniad i themau moesol amrywiol: Meddylfryd Moesegol, Y Ddeddf Naturiol, Moeseg Sefyllfa ac Iwtilitariaeth.
Arholiad ysgrifenedig
Cyflwyniad i Grefydd ac Athroniaeth
Cyflwyniad i 4 thema penodol o fewn yr uned Athroniaeth: Dadleuon Anwythol dros fodolaeth Duw, y Dadleuon Diddwythol, Problem Drygioni a Dioddefaint a Phrofiad Crefyddol.
Mae’r uned yma yn rhan o’r papur uchod.
  Year 12
 Introduction to the Study of Religion
A study of Islam
Written examination
Introduction to Religion and Ethics
Introduction to various ethical theories: Ethical Thought, Aquinas’ Natural Law, Situation Ethics and Utilitarianism.
Written examination
Introduction to Religion and Philosophy
Introduction to 4 themes: Inductive Arguments for the Existence of God, Deductive Arguments for the Existence of God, the Problem of Evil and Suffering and Religious Experience.
This paper is a part of the above examination paper
                  Blwyddyn 13
 Astudiaeth o Grefydd
Astudio’r grefydd Islam.
Arholiad ysgrifenedig
Crefydd a Moeseg
Cyflwyniad i themau moesol amrywiol i astudio sef Meddylfryd Moesegol, Moeseg Ddeontolegol, Penderfyniaeth ac Ewyllys Rhydd.
Arholiad ysgrifenedig
Crefydd ac Athroniaeth
Cyflwyniad i 4 thema athronyddol - Heriau i gred crefyddol, Profiad Crefyddol, Iaith Grefyddol.
Arholiad ysgrifenedig
    Year 13
 Study of Religion
A study of Islam
Written examination
Religion and Ethics
Introduction to 4 more ethical themes - Ethical Thought, Deontological Ethics, Determinism and Free Will.
Written examination
Religion and Philosophy
Introduction to 4 new aspects of Philosophy; Challenges to Religious Belief, Religious Experience, Religious Language.
Written examination

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