Page 14 - Gŵyr Bryntawe 6th Form Prospectus 2022
P. 14

  Uned 1
Uned 2
Uned 3
Uned 4
Addysg Gorfforol
Physical Education
Pam astudio Addysg Gorfforol?
• Integreiddio theori ac arfer mewn Addysg Gorfforol.
• Datblygu a mireinio gallu corfforol myfyrwyr mewn
gwahanol gyddestunau.
• Cynnal a datblygu cyfranogiad ac effeithiolrwydd i
weithgareddau corfforol gydol oes fel rhan o fywyd iach.
• Mireinio a datblygu gwybodaeth, dealltwriaeth a sgiliau sy’n hybu perfformiad mewn gweithgareddau corfforol.
Beth yw cynnwys y cwrs?
Mae’r cwrs yn 40% ymarferol a 60% theori. Bydd cyfle yn ystod y ddwy flynedd i wella eich perfformiad personol, hyfforddi cyfoedion a disgyblion iau yr ysgol a rheoli grwpiau a thimau.
Dysgir am y berthynas rhwng y dulliau o fyw, iechyd a ffitrwydd o fewn cyddestun gweithgareddau ymarferol. Ceir cyfle i fynychu ymweliadau â sefydliadau Addysg Uwch yn arbenigo mewn Addysg Gorfforol yn ychwanegol i gyfleoedd allgyrsiol di-rif megis cystadlaethau tîm, cydweithio i drefnu mabolgampau’r ysgol a chyrsiau amrywiol.
    Dulliau Bywiog o fyw ac Addysg Gorfforol
  Gwella Perfformiad yn Addysg Gorfforol
  Perfformiad, Darpariaeth a Chyfranogiad mewn Addysg Gorfforol
  Mireinio Perfformiad mewn Addysg Gorfforol
Arholiad Mewnol
Arholiad Mewnol
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Active Lifestyles and Physical Education
Improve Performance in Physical Education
Performance, Provision and Participation in Physical Education
Refining Performance in Physical Education
Internal Examination
Internal Examination
Why study Physical Education?
• Integrate theory and practice in Physical Education.
• Develop and refine physical competence in different
roles as a performer, leader and official.
• Maintain and develop involvement and effectiveness in
lifelong physical activity as a part of a balanced healthy
• Refine and develop knowledge, understanding and skills
that enhance performance in physical activity.
What is the course content?
The course is 40% practical and 60% theory. During the two year course, students will have the opportunity to improve their personal performance, train other students and younger pupils and manage groups and teams within the school.
Students will learn about the relationship between lifestyle choices, health and fitness within practical contexts. They will also have the opportunity to visit various establishments that specialise in Physical Education as well as participate in a wealth of extra curricular activities e.g. team competitions, school sports and various related courses.

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