Page 5 - Whitestone Primary School Prospectus
P. 5

  Aims, Ethos and Values
• To provide high quality learning experiences.
• To engage all children in their learning through a
• relevant, broad and balanced curriculum.
• To create ambitious, confident and capable learners.
To have the highest expectations and to provide appropriate challenge for all in our school community.
• To establish a happy, secure and stimulating environment where children and staff work together in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect and
where children can learn to be tolerant, courteous and
• considerate to others.
• To provide equal opportunities for all.
To provide the best possible education in a supportive,
• inclusive atmosphere.
• To ensure all children feel valued, safe and secure.
• To create and celebrate success.
To maintain strong links and work in partnership with
• parents, the community, Governors and the LA
To ensure children develop a lively, enquiring and
enterprising approach that prepares them to play a full
• part in life and work.
To develop learners who are able to connect and apply
• their knowledge and skills creativity.
To develop ethical and informed citizens of Wales and
the World who demonstrate a respect and love for the
• heritage of Wales.
To develop healthy, confident individuals who are able
• to make appropriate decisions.
To develop reflective learners who are able to transfer skills, plan, review and improve their work.

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