Page 6 - Gŵyr Bryntawe 6th Form Prospectus 2022
P. 6

  Pam dewis i astudio mewn ysgol yn hytrach na choleg?
Mae Partneriaeth Gŵyr | Bryn Tawe yn gallu cynnig profiadau amrywiol, diddorol a heriol. Cynigir amrywiaeth o gyrsiau, cymwysterau a chyfleoedd i bob myfyriwr. Yn flynyddol, ceir canlyniadau arholiadau UG a Lefel A rhagorol ar draws y Bartneriaeth.
Mae profiad helaeth o fewn Partneriaeth y Chweched o gefnogi cynnydd pob myfyriwr i’w lawn botensial. Wrth gwrs, cynigir parhad i addysg y myfyrwyr gan fod rhan helaeth ohonynt wedi bod yn y ddwy ysgol ers blwyddyn 7 mewn awyrgylch Gymreig a chartrefol. Dyma nodweddion sy’n hybu cynnydd academaidd a datblygiad personol pob myfyriwr.
Yn olaf, mae modd datblygu’r sgiliau angenrheidiol a meithrin y rhinweddau personol hynny y bydd angen ar y myfyrwyr yn y dyfodol.
Why would you choose to study in a school rather than a college?
Gŵyr | Bryn Tawe Partnership prides itself on its ability to provide a varied, interesting and challenging experience in the Sixth form. The Partnership offers a variety of courses, qualifications and opportunities for all students. Our high AS and A Level results are testament to the hard work undertaken within the Partnership.
The Sixth Form Partnership has extensive experience of supporting the progress of each student to his/her full potential. Of course, the majority of the students are continuing their education in a familiar Welsh atmosphere as they have been pupils in both schools since Year 7. This atmosphere promotes the academic and personal development of all students.
In conclusion, all students are able to develop the essential skills and personal attributes that are required in preparation for their future.
 Sut i ddewis y cwrs cywir yn y Chweched Dosbarth?
Wrth ddewis y cyrsiau i astudio, rhaid meddwl am y canlynol:
• Diddordeb yn y pwnc?
• Pa mor dda yw eich cyrhaeddiad yn y pwnc?
• Dull asesu’r cwrs
• Dulliau astudio a ddefnyddir yn y pwnc
• Canlyniadau TGAU.
• Syniadau posibl am yrfa.
• Cyngor athrawon pwnc.
Mae'n bwysig bod myfyrwyr yn dewis y cyfuniad gorau o bynciau iddyn nhw. Gwneir drwy broses o ymgynghori rhwng y myfyriwr, rhieni a’r ysgol gartref. Unwaith bod myfyriwr wedi dewis pynciau posibl defnyddir y wybodaeth i gynllunio amserlenni’r ysgolion. Anogir disgyblion felly i ystyried yn ofalus cyn dewis pynciau, oherwydd y gallai hyn effeithio ar eu hamserlen bersonol ym Mlwyddyn 12.
Rydym yn gwneud ein gorau i ymateb i ddewisiadau pynciol pob myfyriwr ond mae yna adegau pan na fydd hynny’n bosibl. Trefnir rhaglen gyflwyno ar ddechrau cyfnod y myfyriwr yn y Chweched Dosbarth er mwyn ei gynorthwyo i ddewis cyfuniad unigol o astudiaethau addas i’w allu a’i ddiddordeb. Bydd modd newid pwnc yn ystod y cyfnod cychwynnol hwn.
How to choose the right course in the Sixth Form?
When choosing courses, the following factors should be taken into consideration:
• Interest in the subject?
• Academically, how good you are in this subject?
• Nature of the assessment of the course.
• The type of study required within the subject
• GCSE results.
• Ideas about possible careers
• Advice from the subject teachers.
It is important that the student decides upon the best combination of courses for them. This is done through a process of consultation between the individual student, parents and the home school. Once the information about a student’s possible choice of subjects is collected the school will use it to plan the timetables of both schools. Students are advised to consider carefully before making their choices as it could affect their personal timetable in Year 12.
We do our best to accommodate all students’ preferred subject choices but there are times when this is not possible. An Induction Programme at the beginning of the Sixth Form will support students to ensure that he/she selects the appropriate courses in relation to his/her interests and ability. During this initial period, students will be able to change their subject choices.

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