Page 46 - Gŵyr Bryntawe 6th Form Prospectus 2022
P. 46

  Tystysgrif Her Sgiliau Uwch
Nid yw'n ddigon i gyflogwyr bod gennych nifer mawr o gymwysterau fel TGAU, Safon Uwch a gradd. Mae cyflogwyr am gael y gallu academaidd ond maen nhw hefyd am gael set gyflawn o sgiliau.
Beth yw'r Dystysgrif Her Sgiliau?
Bwriad y Dystysgrif Her Sgiliau Uwch yw eich helpu i ddatblygu sgiliau, priodoleddau ac ymddygiadau mwy cymhleth. Bydd yn cynnig profiadau i gefnogi eich pynciau eraill fydd yn golygu eich bod yn fwy parod i symud ymlaen yn y dyfodol.
• Project Unigol - 50%
• Menter a Chyflogadwyedd - 20%
• Dinasyddiaeth Fyd-eang - 15%
• Cymunedol - 15%
Bydd y sgiliau uwch yn y Dystysgrif Her Sgiliau yn eich helpu i lwyddo yn y maes o'ch dewis ac yn eich helpu i sicrhau eich swydd gyntaf.
Beth yw cynnwys y cwrs?
Y gallu i fynegi syniadau cymhleth yn ysgrifenedig ac ar lafar, gan addasu iaith a therminoleg mewn ffordd sy'n briodol i'r gynulleidfa.
Y gallu i goladu, dadansoddi a chyflwyno data/gwybodaeth rhifiadol cymhleth o amrywiol ffynonellau, gan ddethol ystyr priodol.
Llythrennedd Ddigidol:
Y gallu i ddeall a defnyddio technoleg ddigidol at ddibenion cymhleth, mewn ffordd sy'n briodol i'r gynulleidfa. Cynllunio a Threfnu:
Y gallu i reoli eich hun a/neu bobl eraill, adnoddau ac amgylchiadau i gyrraedd nod penodol sy'n gymhleth. Meddwl yn Feirniadol a Datrys Problemau:
Y gallu i gasglu gwybodaeth berthnasol, nodi materion allweddol, cysylltu gwybodaeth a'i chymharu, a dod i gasgliadau er mwyn datrys problemau cymhleth. Creadigedddd a Arloesi:
Y gallu i gynhyrchu syniadau cymhleth gwreiddiol a thrawsnewid syniadau mewn ffordd ymarferol i ddatblygu cynnyrch, gwasanaeth, proses, system neu ryngweithio cymdeithasol newydd neu well.
Effeithiolrwydd Personol:
Y gallu i addasu eich sgiliau a'ch priodoleddau i sicrhau canlyniadau o safon uchel. Addasu eich ymddygiad ar gyfer tasgau, sefyllfaoedd ac unigolion.
Beth yw Bagloriaeth Cymru?
Mae Bagloriaeth Cymru Uwch yn cael ei ddyfarnu pan fyddwch wedi llwyddo yn y Dystysgrif Her Sgiliau a'r cymhwyster
ategol sydd i'w weld yn yr olwyn (i’r dde). Rhywbeth i'w nodi: y radd yr ydych yn ei
chael am y Dystysgrif Her Sgiliau yw'r radd yn eich cynnig UCAS, ddim y radd
Having a large number of qualifications such as GCSEs, A levels and a degree is not enough for employers. Employers want the academic ability but also a whole set of skills.
What is the Skills Challenge Certificate?
The Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate (SCC) is to help you develop more complex skills, attributes and behaviors. It will provide experiences which support your other subjects and which will enable you to be better prepared for your future destination.
• Individual Project - 50%
• Enterprise and Employability - 20%
• Global Citizenship - 15%
• Community - 15%
The advanced skills within the SCC will help you succeed in your chosen area and help secure your first job.
What is the course content?
The ability to express complex ideas both written and verbal, adapting language and terminology in a manner appropriate for audience.
The ability to collate, analyse and present complex numerical data/information from a range of sources, extracting appropriate meaning.
Digital Literacy:
The ability to understand and use digital technology for complex purposes, in a manner appropriate for audience. Planning & Organising:
The ability to manage self and/or others, resources and circumstances to achieve a specific complex goal. Critical Thinking & Problem Solving:
The ability to gather relevant information, identify key issues, linking and comparing information, and drawing conclusions to solve complex problems.
Creativity & Innovation:
The ability to generate original complex ideas and practical translation of ideas to develop a new or improved product, service, process, system or social interaction.
Personal Effectiveness:
The ability to adapt ones skills and qualities so that high quality results are achieved. Modify behaviours to accommodate tasks, situations and individuals.
What is the Welsh Baccalaureate?
The Advanced Welsh Baccalaureate is awarded when you have passed the
SCC and the supporting qualification shown in the wheel (left). It is worth noting that the grade you gain for the SCC is the one in your UCAS offer not
the Welsh Baccalaureate.
Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate
 Bagloriaeth Cymru.

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